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Thats Why

Key problem solved

How do you know when your users have a bad experience on your site? You don't! That's Why you need Real User Monitoring. With Real User Monitoring you can get detailed insights in how users experience your website. This is something you can't do with typical analytics software.

Advantage over competitors

That's Why not only offers the more features than our competitors but we also provide detailed advice and suggestions so you can make targeted improvements. The advice and suggestions are cru


Deliver the best user experience using Real User Monitoring All the insights you need to get the most out of your website at your fingertips. Monitor Real User Experience Don’t just track page views and conversions. Track Real user Experiences. Get detailed insights into the experiences your users have. Improve your website or Progressive Web App based on data that you can trust and increase conversions by providing a perfect user experience. Track the Core Web Vitals In 2021 the Core Web Vitals will be more important than ever. Google announced it will be a major ranking factor and it will be a visible indicator in the Google Search Results. That’s why it’s so important to track and optimize the Core Web Vitals of your website. We care about privacy We really do. That’s why we don’t track any Personal Identifiable Information (PII) or fingerprint your users. This way we comply with the General Data Protection Regulation but still offer detailed metrics which you can act on. Start monitoring in no time Implementing That’s Why is as easy as it gets. We offer multiple integrations with the most popular platforms. Custom website? Add 1 line of HTML! Using Google Tag Manager? Add 1 Tag! Start monitoring today!

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