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Key problem solved

Every day, you, me, and other people spend a lot of time searching in google or asking our friends for a template to create, project pricing document, a business plan, a business canvas, an invoice, or any other document. Even when we find that template, we need to adapt it, modify it, fill it with our custom texts, and structure it.

Advantage over competitors

all-in-one document generator for multiple sectors, with fast and easy process based on question answers


Fastdok helps people create ready-to-use and proven working documents, like quotes, invoices, business canvas, prescriptions, certificates, and more documents for multiple sectors. Fastdok offers an all-in-one document generator with a process that makes it much easier and faster to get ready documents in a few minutes. You need just to pick your document template, and answer a few focused questions, no more than that! We offer credit-based pricing, 5 credits are offered on sign up and you can still use the free version to get limited documents without consuming credits.

Min Price: $3

Max Price: $100

Free plan:

Min 30 day trial:

Monthly option:

Innovative & Transparent SaaS Solutions

As a user, you need to know what is free, and what you get for premium upgrades. No catches, useless trials, tedius usage.